PLAY GROUP- CLASS 9 & 11 Read more..
  • A student joining a school for the first time must produce evidence of his/ her date of birth as an extract from the municipality village or hospital record. The age for admission to nursery is two and a half and corresponding scale of age is fixed in subsequent classes.
  • A child admitted on a transfer certificate he/she shall not placed in any higher than that for which the certificate shows/her to be qualified. Nor will he/she be promoted before the end of the school ending year. A pupil who does not complete the school calendar year is not eligible for promotion and hence admission will be done accordingly.
  • Student will not be admitted without a transfer certificate from the last school attented. In no case will a student be permitted to attend any class pending formal admission.
  • Case of readmission after withdrawal,the admission fee will be recharged.
  • Once the interview/Entrance test is and the list of the successful students is declared no enquiry will be entertained,with regard to admission.
Withdrawling of Student
  • Every application for transfer certificate shall be made in writing by the parent or guardian only.
  • A transfer certificate will not issued until all the dues are paid.
  • A fee of Rs. 100 wiil be charged for a transfer certificate. This will be issued only five days after the receipt of an application.